For Pilates and Balanced Living
Inspine Pilates is affiliated with Inspine Therapy, and our focus is on quality teaching. We're striving for an environment where pilates instructors will have the opportunity to grow in their profession and become more confident in the skills that they teach. In addition, teaching with intention, integrity, and care to the individual to deliver the best Pilates technique in Mind, Body and Spirit.
We aim to maintain quality instruction and offer professional Pilates strength training and conditioning in the Traditional Pilates Method. Inspine Pilates offers a variety of classes, from private sessions, group classes for beginners through advanced levels, pilates equipment sessions, and mat-based exercise for all levels.
We believe that having instructors who are educated about how the body functions help them to be better educators, which benefits themselves and their clients. In addition, we want our clientele to feel like family by creating a welcoming atmosphere where people can stay motivated while they recover from injury or illness, lose pounds, or get stronger physically or emotionally.